Thursday, July 22, 2010

Welcome to the other side of the world

The overnight trip was super good and super interesting. First on the bus ride there, which is 7 hours long, which turned out, to be from 5 in the morning until like 3 in the afternoon because there were so many problems buuuuuuut, that’s India, ☺ There are THE dumbest rules I’ve ever heard here! One was you can’t cross the border in your own private car, you have to rent one. So we rented this ghetto bus with carpet walls and ceilings and random spinny lights hahah. It was rad! It was so scary though because I was sitting right next to the Dr. on the way there and this was in the new rental bus, we had a CRAZY driver! He would drive so fast and he would almost run everyone over and this one guy was on the side of the road and the driver was so close to running him over and he was honking at him to move over and he wouldn’t move over so the bus driver kept getting even closer to him and I screamed cause I thought he was going to hit him and then I guess the guy on the side of the road started cussing our bus driver out and making fun of his mom hahahah so the bus driver got out and started punching the guy in the face then when the guy on the side of the road fell over he got back on the bus very satisfied and acted like nothing ever happened. It was CRAZY! And if you know me you know I HATE watching fights because they make me feel nauseous hahah so right after I saw the punches I felt super sick and had to take my anti nausea medicine. So after all of this happened we attempt to cross the border but apparently there’s a rule where only 12 people on a bus can cross the border? And we had way more in both of our busses so we had to kick people off and they had to run across the border haha I wish I could have but I’m sick. So we get to the colony and there are 75 -80 people waiting for us and I had the privilege of washing feet. I was super nervous for washing one ladies feet because her toes literally were about to pop off and I was scared that if I scrubbed her feet to hard that they would. This lady was getting her feet washed and she was mute and her feet were horrible. She didn’t even have toes and she was getting her feet scrubbed and some skin cut off and you could tell she was in pain so I came and sat next to her and kissed and held her hands and she kept trying to speak but no noise came out she was just mouthing Tamal and I felt so bad she started squeezing my hands really hard. Her case was so bad that every touch she could feel straight to the bone so just imagine getting your raw bone scrubbed and skin cut off around it and being mute so you cant tell someone how you feel. When she started squeezing my hands really hard I just felt SO bad for her and I started crying my eyes out and then she looked at me and kept kissing my hands and staring at me and then she started crying because I was crying. And when she was done being washed I helped her over to the table the dr was at and I sat in my chair and kept crying haha I just feel so horrible for these people. But then a group of about ten boys came up to me and hugged me and said Auntie don’t cry! And they started wiping my eyes it was sooooo cute! The second day we treated people who have never been seen by a Dr. before. In India there’s one Dr. for every 10,000 people its insane. This one open wound I have never seen so bad before and the smell was SO bad I had to go outside a couple of times because I thought I was going to throw up but the wound was literally just bone. It was horrible. It was super massive. And they were just ripping skin off and picking it open around it and she started bleeding but couldn’t even feel it. It’s just insane. I was getting peoples prescriptions for them and I thought I heard a hit and I looked out and looked at my friend Griff’s face and his mouth was wide opened and I asked, did that mom just hit her baby and he said she didn’t just hit her baby she punched her baby, hard. I could here it and I was feet away and the baby was screaming crying it was soooo sad ☹ This other man just randomly picked up this little girl baby and she clung to his clothes and he started shaking and yelling at the baby to let go of his clothes and he set the baby on a high wall maybe 7ft or higher on a thin wall and just left the baby there, I was so nervous I ran over and grabbed the baby. Everyone will just hand you babies and then leave and you don’t see them again and the babies are soooo dirty and don’t have diapers and pee everywhere. It’s so sad. That’s all I have for the past two days. Good but sad and crazy too.

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