Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Life is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Today I was in the medical group but they were drawing blood from the kindergartners and last time I cried when they got shots so I couldn’t stay in there haha. So I helped the kids write their sponsor letters. It’s so adorable how excited they get about their sponsors. It means A LOT to them so if you want to sponsor a child for 30 bucks a month go to You get letters from them every month and a picture of them and updates on how their doing in school and just all around. When you pick a child it will have a biography on them and the way they behave and their personalities. They are all so cute and some don’t have any sponsors and you could totally make their life by sponsoring them! A lot of the kids don’t have parents who support them and just want to take them out of school to become beggers. There is one girl at the school and her mom pulled her out of school to become a begger and she starved the little girl so that she could receive more money from people. It is so sad. If you look at her now and look at a picture of her from a couple months ago she looks like an entire different person. Later today we decorated a wall that all the volunteers do and that was rad and there was a snake and I was sitting on these steps and I saw it coming by me but I didn’t think it would go up the steps and one girl Dani started chasing it with this big purple plastic stick thing haha and the snake got scared and started slithering up the steps by me it was so scary! Dani was to scared to kill it so she closed her eyes and chucked a boulder at it hahaha it was awesome but super gross. After that we found flour and milk and made crepes haha they were kind of gross since we had like nothing to put on them but that’s okay. Tonight at play time I got the raddest henna EVER!! Its all up my arm and so, so cool. Theres not a lot to tell about today since we all stayed at the school. Tomorrow I’ll have lots to tell because I’m going into the village :)

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