Thursday, July 15, 2010

never leavin this place

Im sooo sorry I haven’t been on here in like three days! The internet connection here is horrible! It takes like 15 minutes to load just the home page. So the second day I was here I was assigned the construction group. We went in to one of the Leprosy Colonies and helped build a Community Center for the Colony. Building a Community Center for these people is to help make them feel worth something, that they are people and that they should have a nice, safe place to go to have meetings and events to help better their lives. I have never sweat so much in my life! It was disgusting! But it was so awesome and rewarding. I don’t understand how the construction men and woman stay out in that sun for so long working their butts off with no food and barley any water! The women wear Sawris when they work. A long dress that is so hot and has a ton of layers! It’s insane! The people in the village were so kind! Multiple people who had nothing and lived in huts made out of banana leaves, came and asked us to come eat in their home and drink water. It was so sweet! These people would do anything for a stranger, its amazing! If I were back home doing construction like I was here I know for a fact that I’d probably complain a lot haha but when I was doing it here I was more than happy to help these people and I don’t think I complained once except for when toads kept popping out of no where and jumping on me! It was so scary!
Yesterday I was assigned medical and I was SO excited because I LLOOVVEE medical stuff. But I was bummed that we weren’t going in to the Leprosy Colony that day, we were getting the height and weight of every child in the school (148 students) and doing vaccinations for all the 2-4 year olds. When parents talk about how they hate seeing their kid in pain and sometimes they cry when they see their kid getting a shot, I used to think that was stupid because a shot is good for them but now I know how you feel!! We had to go get the 2-4 year olds from their classrooms and they were so excited to see us and were grabbing onto us and holding our hands and giving us kisses and yelling AUNTIE AUNTIE! I felt so bad because they had no idea they were on their way to get pricked with needles :( We had to hide them from the inside and seeing and hearing the kids cry after getting their shot one by one so, we hid them behind a wall and played games with them, that worked for a little then chaos broke out when the loud criers came outside. My job was to calm the criers down. I got THEEE cutest little 2 yr old EVER!! Her name is Rajma. OHMYGOODNESS. She was crying, crying, my shoulder was sopping wet by the end. But finally she stopped crying and fell asleep on me for about an hour. I was in heaven! But it was so sad a little girl ran away and went to her hostel ( her room) and two volunteers had to drag her over to the medical clinic and she was screaming crying the entire way. When she was getting her shot they had to hold her arms, legs, hands and face down and I felt so bad because she was so scared! I started crying hahaha. But it was sad do you blame me!? Then this little, little boy named Karl Marks (hahahahah) he was in the corner whimpering and crying because he saw all the other kids coming out crying so he was so scared and shy he sat in the corner and had his head on his knees and cried so I picked him up and sang to him ( if all the rain drops were lemon drops and gum drops oh what a world it would be)and started swinging him around and I got some smiles but then he went in and started crying all over again but he stopped once I told him his bandaid was rad and that he was SOOOO tough! I don’t even think I sand the write words to that song but oh well!
Today I got assigned tutoring and it was way fun but really hard. They should not match up and add tutor with an add kid haha you get nothing done! Their so cute that its hard not to play with them. In their classes their teachers just have them memorize EVERYTHING , like they know how to read the word house but then when you ask them to draw a picture of it they have no idea what a house is. It’s crazy! It’s super frustrating so me and my kid just quit and drew pictures the whole time. It was rad ☺

I don’t think ill ever be able to leave here. I’ve officially fallen in love with India and it’s people. I am SO adopting kids from here!!

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