Sunday, August 7, 2011

Parents day

This is going to be a super short post because I'm just on a break! While all the volunteers flew to New Delhi I stayed back at the compound because I went last year. This weekend was parents weekend and all the kids were SO excited!! Parents day is once every 5 months, I think. Rising star goes to all the Leprosy colonies to pick the parents up and then they bring them to the compound. When the parents come they bring candies for them, jasmine for the girls to put in their hair, a new outfit and sometimes even money! You can imagine how excited some kids were to see their parents after not seeing them for 5 months. They would all wait by the gates of Rising Star waiting for the buses to pull up to see if their parents were on the bus or not. Some kids don't have parents though so you can also imagine how hard they were taking it. I came out of my room in the morning and came to the school and where the kids live and there was a little boy sitting in the dirt crying and looking at all the kids with their parents. I asked him what was wrong and he told me he had no family and that no one ever comes for him or loves him. OUCHIE. That completely broke my heart. I sat in the dirt with him and kept trying to stress how much I love him and I kept trying to get him to play with me but he was so upset he wouldn't move. A little back round on this kid, he is four years old his name is Avrin and he has a little 3 yr old sister. This little boy watched his dad light his mom on fire and murder her just recently. This would be DEVASTATING for anyone to see but can you imagine a four year old? Soon after his dad passed away. His little sister is not aware that either of her parents have died and on parent's day she changed into her best outfit, picked flowers and put them in her hair and waited by the Rising Star gates for her parents all day long. When I saw her she ran up to me and jumped on me and said Guess what Auntie!!!? I said what and she said my mommy and daddy are coming to see me today!! Ugh that was like a stab to the heart to hear that. I tried to get her to leave the gate and come play with me so she did. We were holding hands and walking through the trees and I was trying to round up all the other kids who don't have parents to take them to the play ground to go play. Multiple times through out the day she kept asking me Auntie why aren't my parents here? When are my parents coming Auntie? Of course I put on a strong face in front of her but when I went back to my room I just cried. WHY CAN'T I TAKE THEM ALL HOME WITH ME?!?!?

There won't be alot of pictures anymore because I am so dumb and plugged my camera charger into this wall without a converter and it fried it!! Then I tried to make my own converter cause it was a three pronged American one so I put a two prong Indian converter onto my American one and plugged it in and that's just not a good idea hahaha so no one ever try that even though I'm sure you won't cause your smarter than that!! A huge orange spark came out and the whole outlets started smoking and it smelled like bad, bad chemicals hahaha. When my roomies came back from Delhi they asked why the wall outlets weren't bad!

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